Team Mastery Coach Preparation

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Engaging, supporting, inspiring and challenging students has never been more important – and never more difficult than in this time of potential post pandemic recession and global uncertainty. 

While face to face learning is essential,  the reality is that some virtual working is here to stay as an important element of both the workplace and the classroom.

During the lockdowns adapting to online learning was a huge shift for schools and universities.  UK’s Team Academy-inspired programmes  had to reimagine the physical connectivity of a dialogue circle as an on-screen collaboration, enabled by technology but underpinned by the skill and creativity of the team coach.

And it’s not just undergraduate and masters’ team learning degrees which have had to adapt to the virtual world.   Team Mastery, the programme run by Akatemia CIC to train entrepreneurial team coaches in this learning methodology, has also transformed a hands-on collaborative learning experience into a blended face to face and virtual environment. 

Building on the success of the 2021, 2022 and 2023/24 cohorts, programme leader Elinor Vettraino and Akatemia director Alison Fletcher have developed a new Team Mastery model which combines virtual and face-to-face learning to deliver 15 days of intense and intensive training.   

The heart of Team Mastery will still be a week in Finland to visit the foundations of Team Academy, as well as visits to UK institutions (subject to the continuing absence of travel and public health restrictions) whilst the remainder will be delivered by a blend of face-to-face and on-line modules.

We’re delighted that our training is now recognised as 130 hours of Coach Continuous Professional Development by the Association for Coaching, and everyone who completed Team Mastery will now be awarded an Association for Coaching certificate to evidence their CPD.